End of Year Summary

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It has been a busy and exciting year!  Many thanks to our customers and all of the hard work put in by everyone at Asentria for the progress made this year.  A lot has happened in the last twelve months.  Asentria renewed our website in the last year, in large part, because we needed to explain “telecom site automation” to people who might not have been aware of the advanced solutions that are possible and in use by telecom operators around the world.  The new website has given us a place to write about what we’re doing.  We’ve added a number of case studies and white papers in the last year, and are planning many more for next year.

See our latest case studies and white papers here.

We’re excited about our role as part of larger trends related to IoT, Big Data, and automation.  We are interested to see how our customer’s networks evolve as new technologies like 5G are rolled out.  We expect trends towards greater automation are inevitable, and that there will be an ever-greater need for more resilient networks, at lower overall cost, which is what we view as our role for our customers.

Look forward to talking to everyone again in the New Year!

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